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The #1 thing you need at your interview ☝️

blog confidence facc workbook Apr 23, 2023

Of all the things that you take with you to your flight attendant interview, confidence is the most important. 

The good news is that confidence is a feeling, so it won't take up any room in your roll-aboard 🤣 but it can be a bit tricky to "unpack" when it's needed. 

But in all seriousness, confidence, or maybe I should say the lack of confidence, is the most common culprit when it comes to TBNTs. 

You know you have what it takes to be an amazing flight attendant; you're kind and caring, focused on helping others and keeping them safe. 

You know you would do a good job if an airline would just give you a shot. 

Does this sound familiar? Then you might be lacking in confidence during your interview. 

Confidence is more than just being sure of yourself or being skilled at self-promotion. 

⭐️ Confidence is the foundation of leadership.

⭐️ Confidence inspires others to trust you. 

⭐️ Confidence allows you to cut through the noise and communicate what needs to be said. 

And these ...

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4 Questions to Help You Discover Whether or Not You’re a Good Flight Attendant Candidate

blog facc Nov 27, 2019

I am a big believer in dreams. And I believe that if you have a desire and passion to become a flight attendant, then becoming a flight attendant is what you are meant to do. I don't think we are given dreams accidentally. (Ps. 37:4) I know your dream was given to you for a reason! 

That being said, timing is everything. Take a moment to consider the questions below and let them help you decide if it's time for the next step. 

4 Questions to Help You Discover Whether or Not You’re a Good Flight Attendant Candidate:

  • Are you are foot-loose and fancy free to come and go as you please?  

Maybe you’re an empty-nester or maybe you are young and unattached but either way, the ability to relocate after training and the freedom to drop everything and fly are a sure fire sign you should at least look into this career. Even if you aren’t that unencumbered, that’s ok… there are plenty of fly moms (and dads!) You’ll need a support system and a game plan, but you can still make this happen!

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4 Ways to Make Yourself Feel Braver

blog facc Nov 27, 2019

Now that Baby Jet is eight months old, I’ve been able to take a few deep, cleansing breaths and look around. I feel like I haven’t looked up in weeks. If you have ever brought a newborn home from the hospital, you know what I’m talking about. There is a special mix of euphoria and sleeplessness that lends itself to operating in survival mode for the first six months or so. Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining at all. I have loved getting milk drunk with my newest soulmate and I am extremely thankful that owning my own business allows me to work crazy hours and pull back when needed.

And now that the baby is eating a bit of baby food and sleeping through the night, I have the flexibility to start chasing my next dreams.

This season of dream chasing involves a lot of “putting myself out there.” I am looking to fill my speaking calendar and I’m looking for the opportunity to become a brand ambassador for a brand or two. This involves a lot of pitching and asking.

Asking and pitchin...

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4 Sanity Saving Tips for Road Tripping with Toddlers

blog facc Jul 17, 2019

If you are familiar with my background as a flight attendant, you may not be surprised to learn that my preferred mode of transportation, even with kids, is flying on an airplane.  (You may think I’m crazy, but you’re not surprised.)

Even though it is usually less expensive and easier for our family to fly because my husband works for an airline, from time to time we decide to stay on the ground and take a road trip. This weekend we are headed up to the Greenville, SC area to visit the Hollywild Animal Park.  At about a 3 hour and 45 minute drive, road tripping to Hollywild makes more sense than flying.

This is not our first road trip with toddlers. We have driven to Florida several times and I even made the 9 hour drive to Nashville all by myself once.

For the most part, our trips have been pretty easy. I don’t stress about the details, but I am thoughtful when it comes to preparation. Here are four tips that have made a huge difference in our road trip enjoyment level.

  • Time you...
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